
Ham in a Towel

For your entertainment:

There was that time at the market. Lo, Tiff and I decided to go with Seap one day. The market is great, but in the back is what I call the “meat packing industry.” Fish are flopping on tarps, pig heads to your left and SNAKES to your right. I was afraid of touching anything. Ladies were chopping off live fish heads and it was awful. While our chicken was being dissected, we look over and see a woman grab a live fish the size of my arm out of the cooler. She drops it and puts it in her purse. She PUT THE FISH IN HER PURSE.

I was on the swing watching 7 year old Hey play with a toy. I examine further- Hey was using a used tampon applicator as a gun. He got it out of the trashcan and had THE TAMPON APPLICATOR ON HIS FINGERS.

Now we have a section on things lost in translation:

The sewing teacher did not show up for two days in a row and we asked Sendgy where she was. She told us she had a tumor and was at the hospital. We were all very upset and started talking to one of the girls about it. They then informed us that she was AT A TEACHING CONVENTION, NOT IN HOSPITAL WITH TUMOR.

During art one day we painted. The women were free to paint whatever they wanted. One of them painted us a thank you card that said, “ I AM STUDY HAPPY.”

Crisco, the children’s cat/torcher animal had gone missing for a couple of days. We asked one of the girls where the cat had gone. “HAM DOUM EAT CAT.” Ham is our guard and Tuk Tuk driver. We later found out the cat went to live with another family. No worries, Ham only eats dog “sometimes.”

End section on things lost in translation.

For the Fourth of July we went to Asia Hotel (love Asia Hotel Restraunt) and ordered red, white and blue drinks for all the girls the day before. We show up and we got RED,WHITE AND GREEN DRINKS. Happy Birthday America.

We woke up one morning and two of the precious girls had their nightgowns and flip flops on and were RUNNING LAPS AROUNG THE SEWING BUILDING. What? OK.

We were at the glorious Blue Pumpkin Café  in Phnom Phen and Sengdy and BP had to run somewhere to fax something. The rest of the team and I went to KFC for lunch and Sengdy was going to meet us there. She came back to the café and we were not there. She eventually came to KFC, walked in and said, “Sista, I no find you. I ASK PEOPLE ON THE STREET WHICH WAY YOU GO.” It was like a 15 minute walk and she asked people on the street which way the group of white girls went. Great.

Ham lives in a small house, more like a shed outside the guest house. We are not staying there, but go there to hang out at night. One time, he locked us in the gate and we had to wake him up to let us out. Ham opens the door, only wearing a towel. He walks out, UNLOCKES GATE IN HIS TOWEL, and goes back to sleep. Classic Ham move.

While I am sad we are leaving next week, so many funny things happen everyday and I am in love with everything that is happening.