Where are you right now, God?
I find myself asking that question as a dozen kids run past me. For this month, I have flown away from home for a God-sized adventure in Cambodia. The organization my team of 6 girls and I are working with bathes, feeds, plays with, takes to school, and loves on the street kids of Cambodia. Right now it’s the children’s summer break, so we are here to help keep an eye on the children and give them the love and attention they so desperately need.
But amidst piggy back rides and tickle wars, I want to see God. See Him in each moment.
In Luke 18:35-43, it is recorded that a blind man was sitting on the roadside begging. He cried out to Jesus, and in response, Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do to you?” The beggar’s response was
“Lord, I want to see.”
Oh, how I have the same desire. God I want to see you in each moment. God, where are you right now? I long to forever see Your mighty hand at work around me.
And as I pray that, standing in chaos, I feel God telling me to go sit next to one of the littlest children in the group. So I do, and he looks up at me wide-eyed and I begin to stroke is arms, face and head. Moments pass, and before I know it, he is fast asleep.
God quietly speaks to my heart and tells me in this scenario of me stroking, He, the all powerful Creator, is like me and I am like the sleeping child.
The child fell asleep because he felt safe and secure in my arms- he trusted me. He is weak, but I was near him and would protect him if anything were to happen. He was safe to rest. Likewise, when I come to the Lord, trusting in Him fully, He provides His love and peace that is tangible to me in His loving arms. Though I am weak, I have nothing to fear. For my all powerful God is on my side. And amidst His greatness, He wants to know our hearts, our tiniest concerns. He wants to give us each peace – he wants to stroke us to rest in the chaos of life.
Isaiah 26:3-4 says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”
That lesson could have been completely missed if I was not seeking to see Christ in that moment. How much of my own life have I missed out on what God was trying to tell me because I was not actively seeking to see Him?
If we keep our eyes on Christ, we will see this world differently. This is true whether in Cambodia, the USA, and everywhere in between. God will reveal himself to you if only you take the time to really look and see Him.
You know what happened to the blind man who wanted to see?
“and immediately he recovered his sight and followed Him (Jesus), glorifying God”
God will answer us. All we have to do is seek to really see Him throughout the most mundane things. And after you do encounter our personal God, the only response you’ll be able to give is one of gratitude.
God, I pray that you keep revealing yourself to me while I’m here. I pray to see you in each moment. To pray without ceasing. To have a heart of gratitude. That there would be more of you and less of me, that your love would pour through me to love those around me properly. Amen
And so the journey continues. Day by day, hour by hour… God in every second of it. Lord, give me the eyes to truly see.