The missing piece

Welp, this is a post that seems surreal to write.  This is my last blog post!  So in the spirit of lasts…here are the some things that I will have my 'last' of this week that I will miss: – Having the time to have extremely lengthy times in the Word – Wandring through streets exploring – Fresh, sweet pineapple and mango – Eating lunch and dinner at one long table with my team – The kids I built relationships with at the orphanage – That I can afford things in Cambodia – Conversations with my friend who works at a bar/club  –...

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Finally, I See You Crystal Clear

I remember getting ready to leave for this trip thinking, "Wow… three and a half months is practically an eternity away from home and everything familiar." I mean, sure, there was everybody telling me how it would be over before I knew it or telling me I would be having way too much fun to miss everybody back home. And, sure, I said some of those kinds of things to other people as well, but who really believes all that when they're getting ready to go live in Cambodia for the next three and a half months? I know I didn't. I remember thinking that was just something...

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Goodbye Sista….

Sista… Sista is a word I have heard a lot being in Cambodia and in the last three weeks the word sister has been redefined for me. When asked if I have any siblings, I usually say, “Yes, I have three older sisters”, but now I may have to alter my answer just a little bit. God has shown me that not only do I have three amazing blood sisters but now I found myself having a lot more sisters than I thought.  One in particular's name is Seak liv. Seak liv is the girl who has completely changed my outlook on what a sister is. Seak liv is fourteen years old...

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HOME & Final Blog!

Hello All! First off, due to illness (mainly mono) I had to come home from Cambodia two weeks early. It was really hard to leave ministry and my AMAZING team early, but I am also very thankful to be able to rest and get well in the comforts of home. I’m also thankful to have made it as far as I did in my journey in Cambodia! Cambodia was really hard for me in a lot of different ways, but man, I wouldn’t change a thing! I’m serious! The “trials” by FAR outweigh all of the lessons I learned and all of the love I got to give and receive. In Cambodia I learned that...

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I’m Glad

You know, this trip was really hard for me. I think it was difficult for everyone for a variety of reasons, but man, it definitely stretched me. However, looking back at the past three months, I have to say that I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity I had to come to Cambodia. I got to do things here that I didn’t imagine myself doing a year ago. Things like learning a tiny bit of a language I honestly didn’t know existed and watching the sunrise above one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Or sharing the gospel with people who had never heard it before, including several Buddhist...

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Divine Appointments

      Our first few weeks in Phnom Penh has been pretty amazing. I love the fast pace of the big city and the change of scenery. I know God has so many great things in store for my team and I in Phnom Penh and this week I was able to get a taste of it.         This week my team and I were able to work with an organization called "Precious Women". "Precious Women" is an organization that provides young girls a way out of sex trafficking. "Precious Women" has made the effort to reach out to the women in so many ways, such...

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