Loving Phnom Penh

Our team moved to Phnom Penh this past week where we will stay for the remainder of our time here in Cambodia—and it has already been a crazy ride.  I love Phnom Penh—I feel alive here.  There is so much going on in this city in every way—there is a lot of need, but there is also a lot of good happening.  God has presented our team with a lot of different opportunities to serve Him.  I had to break down my blog in a few different pieces—so don’t feel bad if you just pick one subtitle and read about that—that sounds good to me.  I just...

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Precious Women

Precious Women:   I visited the organization called Precious Women who’s vision is:  To see all exploited women who work at karaoke bars, beer gardens and brothels in Cambodia live with dignity, equality and hope.  That’s a beautiful vision.  Precious Women was founded by Solida Seng and it is the first outreach of its kind to women in Phnom Penh.  Each Friday, Precious Women outreach teams go out to Beer Gardens, Karaoke Bars and brothels in Phnom Penh to build relationships with both the women working as prostitutes there and the owners of the establishments...

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I Can’t Think of an Enticing Title

Humans have a lot of gifts. And I’m not talking about spiritual gifts. We have those, too (duh), but we all have certain things that we’re amazingly good at, and the combination of gifts is different for each individual. Some can sing, some can draw, some can act, some can run, some love animals…the list goes on and on. And there’s a reason for that. God undoubtedly asks us to do things we don’t want to do. But what I’ve realized after knowing him for a while is that he also asks us to do things that we passionately love to do, because he put that passion...

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Where you invest your love, is where you invest your life

What is faith? Are you relying on your expectation of ‘faith’ in God? Or are you relying on faith in God? I’m beginning to think that many of us no longer acknowledge the difference between placing our faith in God, versus placing our faith in our expectations of faith in God. Choosing to live with faith in God, rather than faith in expectation, allows us to live the life we were called to; an extraordinary one. Continually choosing a life of abandonment to the Spirit of God, results in continually walking in the power of the Spirit of God. When Jesus called the disciples,...

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So along Battambang….

    The last ten weeks have gone by so incredibly fast in Battambang.This week was our last week there, and it has impacted me so greatly and put the plan God had for us in such a clear perspective. God had a plan for my team and I to love on the city and show the people the love of Christ without expecting anything in return, and we did just that.          God has taught me so many wonderful things on this trip from learning how to trust him completely, listening to his voice, stepping out of my contort zone, and allowing myself to be completely pliable...

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Baby I’d Be a Saint!

Hello all! Well, we’ve left Battambang and are now living out our last month of ministry in Cambodia in Phnom Penh! (I had a mini-culture shock when I walked into the first grocery store I’ve seen in over 2 months. Haha.) I’m sad to leave behind some amazing people in Battambang but I’m looking forward to starting ministry at the orphanage and we’re hoping to get to work some with an anti-sex-trafficking ministry too. A few days ago I read a former World Racers blog that did a really great job of putting into words what I’ve been experiencing and processing...

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