Love Those Who Persecute You

As I rub the coconut oil into her hands, my fingers trace her callused skin, and I wonder about her life and what might have formed these visible signs of living. Viesna’s mom is sprawled across the wooden frame beneath her stilted house. Emily, Haley, and I surround her, each focusing on a different area of her body. The smell of aromatic oils fills the air, and I smile, taking this picture in. This Cambodian woman whom I met yesterday has quickly become an important piece of our story here, so let us start from the beginning. It was Monday night. Bible study was supposed to start at...

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What is God asking you to give up?

  Yo, Yo, Yo, How is it going all the way from Cambodia?!! Can you believe I`ve already been in Cambodia for a month in a half now? WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! I`ve posted a few times on my Facebook, but this will be my first official blog post . . . (about time Lacey). I only get Internet once a week and to be honest I haven’t wanted to write any blog post because it takes a good amount of time, and you only get so much time in a day. BUT, God has been doing a lot of amazing things here and there has been some great stories and I think it`s about time I write some of them (finally).   SO...

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meet team cambodia: wedding picture edition

so we’re a month and a half late, but we wanted to introduce our team! (disclaimer: definitely wrote this blog weeks ago but our wifi was never good enough to post it til now.) better late than never, right? anyways, we have now been to two cambodian weddings here (and are going to a third soon). here are some pics from the first one of everyone in our $3 rental dresses from the market & our $3 hair and makeup from the asians 🙂  and some pretty accurate descriptions of our lovely team members for your imaginations. for more (serious) info on our lovely ladies, check out haley’s...

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A Week in Cambodia

It’s Sunday evening. Sunday evening is wifi night, which also means it’s blog night. GAH I intended to already have this written but I don’t and I can’t figure out where in the world I should start. It’s only been a week since we began our ministry in Kampot but things already feel pretty normal and Vuthy and the guys feel like family. We’ve grown pretty accustomed to rice and squatty potties and bucket showers. Brushing our teeth outside starts and ends our day and hammocking takes up about every free minute. My feet are always dirty and I’ve just accepted...

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Roosters and Dogs and Cows, Oh My!

I’ve always thought it would be nice to live on a farm where the roosters wake you up instead of an alarm clock…. Well, my dream has come true! Roosters in the morning, dogs sneaking into our room at night, and lots and lots of cows. It’s day 5 here in Cambodia but it’s only our third day at Vuthy’s in Kampot. Our ministry doesn’t begin until tomorrow and we’re honestly not sure exactly what it’s going to look like. We DO know that we will be teaching English and coming up with our own curriculums for the next three months. We’re nervous...

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“RESTORED as if NOTHING was taken.”

Hello!!! WE LEAVE TOMORROW!!! Yea! And it’s going to be the longest flight of my life, a whopping sixteen hours! Haha. Needless to say, my team and I have lots of bonding time coming up. Each of the 14 women on my team are incredible women of God, hilarious and all have hearts on fire for all of the men, women and children held bondage in sex-trafficking. We are SO EXCITED to finally get to Cambodia and start our ministry. When we get to Cambodia we will spend two days in the capital, Phnom Pehn, and learn about Cambodia’s heartbreaking history and get a feel for what these...

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